When onboarding new employees, employers typically provide employee training on a wide range of topics, which may include everything from technology to workplace policies to benefits and compensation. The main focus of most organizations is to prepare new hires for their specific job roles, integrate them into the company culture, and provide them with the knowledge and resources needed to succeed in their new positions.
When developing an employee training program, it is also critical to ensure that employers provide all training mandated in employment legislation. Generally, such training must be provided during working hours or employees must otherwise be paid for training time. And it is important to remember that, typically, these employee training obligations kick in as soon as an organization hires one employee. Employee training requirements vary from one province to the next, but there are certain themes which appear across jurisdictions.
So, what employee training is an employer required – by law – to implement? And what new developments should employers keep in mind?
Health & Safety
Most mandatory employee training is contained in occupational health and safety legislation.
The federal government and all of the provinces mandate general health and safety training for all workers. Specific requirements may vary, but typically employers must provide information, instruction and training necessary to ensure the health and safety of workers at the workplace. Many jurisdictions, including federal, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland & Labrador, specify that employee training must cover emergency procedures (e.g., fire prevention and emergency evacuation).
Beyond these basic minimums, Canadian occupational health and safety legislation includes several specific training requirements that employers must understand and implement.
Harassment & Violence
Almost every jurisdiction in Canada requires employers to provide training on workplace harassment and violence. (Note: While Quebec does not currently have such requirements, changes are coming – see below.) Typically, workers must receive training on how to recognize and respond to violence and harassment. Some jurisdictions limit training requirements to workplace violence, and some only require such training for workers who may be exposed to violence or are likely to encounter it as a part of their work.
Additional training may be required where employers have employees working alone, which tends to increase the risk of exposure to harassment or violence.
First Aid
All employers in Canada must ensure that their first aid attendants receive first aid training. The level of training required often varies depending on the number of workers, the level of workplace risks and hazards and travel time to a hospital.
Many provinces mandate ergonomic training for workers at risk of injury. More specifically, employers must ensure that workers who may be exposed to musculoskeletal injury (MSI) receive training to eliminate or reduce the possibility of injury. Training may include information on:
- recognizing the signs and symptoms of MSIs;
- using measures to control the risk of MSI (e.g., work procedures, mechanical aids).
New & Young Workers
British Columbia, Manitoba and New Brunswick require employers to provide health and safety orientation programs that cover specified topics for new and young (under age 25) workers. Topics may include: rights and responsibilities under health and safety legislation, such as the right to report unsafe conditions and to refuse to perform unsafe work, as well as potential workplace hazards.
Most Canadian jurisdictions require employees with supervisory or managerial responsibilities to receive additional health and safety training. Requirements vary, but typically supervisors should be familiar with applicable health and safety legislation and specific hazards at the workplace.
Health & Safety Committees
At workplaces with a health and safety committee or representative, the members of the committee or representative (as applicable) must receive additional training. Generally, such training should help them to fulfil their duties.
To better understand when committees are required, what they do and what an employer’s obligations are in relation to a committee, see our earlier post: Health and Safety Committees – 3 Key Questions Answered.
Currently, only Ontario and Manitoba have accessibility legislation that includes employee training requirements.
In Ontario, employers must provide training on accessibility standards and the Human Rights Code (as relates to persons with disabilities) not only to employees, but also volunteers. Manitoba requires employers to provide accommodation training to persons who are responsible for hiring, supervising, training, promoting or terminating employees, as well as those who develop and implement the employer’s policies and practices.
What’s New in Employee Training
Like most HR compliance, the rules regarding employee training are continually being reviewed and updated.
New rules mandating naloxone kits in Ontario workplaces came into force in June 2023. These new rules included employee training requirements. Specifically, Ontario employers must ensure that the worker near a naloxone kit is in charge of it and has received the training on:
- recognizing an opioid overdose;
- administering naloxone and any hazards related to the administration of naloxone.
See our earlier post for more details on employer duties respecting naloxone kits in Ontario workplaces.
More recently, Quebec introduced amendments, which will expand employer obligations to protect employees from harassment. These new duties include a requirement to provide information and training programs on psychological harassment prevention. Most of these new rules regarding psychological harassment are in Bill 42, which is still making its way through the Quebec National Assembly – so, not yet in force.
Ed. Note: Since we initially posted this article, Bill 42 was passed by the Quebec government. For more information on Bill 42, see our post.
How to Comply with Mandatory Employee Training
Compliance Works makes it easy for HR teams to stay on top of employee training requirements – with checklists and plain language summaries of complex employment laws.
- Review your interactive checklist and track your progress.
- Read the applicable summary to understand exactly what you need to do.
Contact us to Book a Demo or email us at info@complianceworks.ca to learn how a subscription to Compliance Works can help your HR team succeed.