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Compliance Works is a one-stop knowledge platform for learning, managing, and communicating HR compliance information. Explore the Compliance Works solution, to discover how this software will simplify your HR tasks and keep your organization in compliance.

Single Jurisdiction subscriptions start at $100 per month, while Multiple Jurisdiction subscriptions start at $200 per month. For more information, see our Pricing page. 

Yes! We offer significant discounts for non-profit and charitable organizations. Contact us to learn more. Or, check out our Pricing page for further details. 

Our free trial provides a “sneak peek” at Compliance Works. A free trial version of Compliance Works includes: 

  • 1 jurisdiction
  • 3 areas of HR law
  • 1 user account

A paid subscription to Compliance Works can include all jurisdictions, all available areas of HR law, access for your team and much more! 

If you would like to learn about and test out the full version of Compliance Works, contact us for a demo.

It is easy to book a demo with us. Just submit a demo request form and we will get back to you within 24 hours. 

Both plans provide easy access to HR compliance information – written in plain language.

Single Jurisdiction plans include:

  • 1 jurisdiction in Canada (e.g., federal or one province)
  • 5-10 user accounts
  • All Areas of Law
  • Ability to create customizable reports for future reference
  • Ability to download copies of your customized reports for offline use

Multiple Jurisdiction plans include:

  • Federal and all provinces in Canada
  • 5-20+ user accounts
  • All Areas of Law
  • Ability to create customizable reports for future reference
  • Ability to download copies of your customized reports for offline use

Compliance Works provides cross-Canada coverage of employment legislation. This includes HR laws governing federal workplaces and all of the provinces. 

Note: Currently, we do not cover the territories.

Compliance Works covers:

  • Accessibility
  • Employment Standards
  • Health & Safety
  • Human Rights
  • Labour Relations
  • Official Languages
  • Pay Equity
  • Privacy (private sector only)

For a full list of the legislation we are tracking, see the Scope of Product.

All of the summaries are prepared by senior lawyers with employment law experience. In addition, we include a number of features to ensure that you can rely on Compliance Works with confidence.

Check the Source 

  • Each Provision in Compliance Works includes a link to the legislation and references the applicable section numbers.
  • When a Provision is amended, we also include links to the amending Bill or Regulation. 

Confirm Provision is Up-to-Date

  • To the left of each Provision is a date, indicating when the Provision was last updated.

Warning re “Grey Areas” 

  • Some compliance requirements go beyond the scope of Compliance Works, as they may require legal advice.
  • For example, if an employer is terminating the employment of an employee, there are other sources of law (including prior court decisions) that may require the employer to provide more notice and termination pay than the minimums set out in the legislation.
  • When these potential issues arise, we flag that for you.

Provide Feedback 

  • If you have a comment or question regarding a specific Provision, you can use the “Report an Issue” link.
  • It is located to the left of each Provision.
  • Or, contact us at

Yes!  Compliance Works is accessible on all mobile devices.

You will automatically be signed up for a daily email notifying you of all developments within the previous 24 hours. When you click on the link in your email, you will go directly to that Provision in Compliance Works.

A yellow bar indicates that this Provision is being amended. Click on the link to see further details on the amendment in a side-bar to the right. 

• If the amendment is pending, you will see a brief summary of the amendment.
• If the amendment is in force, you can also click on Compare Previous Versions to see a side- by-side comparison of old vs new.

For a recap of all changes, check out Amendments on Latest Updates.

Latest Updates provides you with a quick snapshot of upcoming requirements (Reminders) and recent changes (Amendments) to Acts and regulations. You can filter Amendments to focus on a particular jurisdiction, or to distinguish between what is already in force and amendments that are still pending.

By default, Amendments are included from the previous 60 days, but you can change your time parameters to see Amendments from the past week, month, year, etc.

The easiest way to find all of the amendments in a Bill is to use Search. Enter “Bill [number of the Bill]” (e.g., “Bill 88”). To ensure that your Search is limited to Bill 88 amendments, select Bill 88 in the Bill/Reg filter to the left. 

Then you can collect all of the amendments in one report – by clicking Add to Report to the right of each Search result.

We have developed our own automation software that tracks changes to employment legislation across Canada, and feeds those changes directly into the Compliance Works tool. This means that we can report on changes in real time – making Compliance Works the most timely HR compliance resource in Canada.

Info Hub makes it easy to browse Areas of Law, Topics and Jurisdictions to find the information that you need. To get started:

• Select an Area of Law (e.g., Employment Standards)
• Select a Topic (e.g., Leaves of Absence)
• Scan the list of leaves or drill down further by selecting a particular type of leave (e.g., bereavement leave)
• Select Jurisdictions to focus on specific provinces
• Read the plain language summaries of selected requirements

Enter your keyword(s) in Search. To zero in on the information you need, use the filters: Areas of Law, Topic, Jurisdiction, Bill/Reg and Industry.

Note: Search only finds keywords in the summaries included in Compliance Works. It does not search the underlying legislation.

To compare requirements across jurisdictions, click Compare Jurisdictions to the left of every provision (i.e., summary of a legal requirement). Then add the jurisdictions of interest. You can download an Excel copy of the comparison for offline use.

Some compliance requirements go beyond the scope of Compliance Works, as they may require legal advice. For example, if an employer is terminating the employment of an employee, there are other sources of law (including prior court decisions) that may require the employer to provide more notice and termination pay than the minimums set out in the legislation. 

When these potential issues arise, we flag that for you.

Compliance Works Checklists are interactive HR compliance checklists for each province in Canada plus the federal jurisdiction. These Checklists provide employers with a clear road map for achieving and maintaining HR compliance in every jurisdiction where they have employees. 

All team members at a subscribing organization work from the same checklist(s).

In the Compliance Works dashboard, go to Checklists. To get started:

  • Jurisdiction: Select the jurisdiction where your employees work. Unless your workplace is federally regulated, typically, the law of the province where an employee works will apply to that employee.
  • Number of Employees: Some requirements are triggered based on the number of employees you employ. To determine which requirements apply to your workplace, enter the number of employees that work in the jurisdiction you have selected. 

Use Checklists’ features to zero in on the requirements applicable to your workplace and monitor your progress in achieving your HR compliance goals. 

  • Track the Status of your compliance with each requirement – Not Started, In Progress, Done – which is saved from one login to the next. Remember – your entire organization is working on the same checklist. To see who has changed the status of a requirement, hover over the status column.
  • Sort by Type of Requirement – Employee Committees, Employee Communications, Hiring, Policies and Procedures, Records, Reporting, Training and Ongoing Compliance – to prioritize tasks.
  • Sort by Last Updated to see any legislative amendments since the last time you reviewed your Checklist.

Benefits of Compliance Works Checklists:

  • a thorough review of day-to-day HR compliance requirements in all Canadian employment laws that we cover;
  • further detail in thousands of plain language summaries in Compliance Works Info Hub;
  • continually updated – in real-time – to reflect changes to HR laws.

You may find it helpful to collect certain HR compliance information in a report. You can save the report for future reference, or use it to help you with a project. For example, you can create a report of recent amendments to HR legislation to:

• Review and confirm that your HR policies are up-to-date
• Advise senior management of upcoming changes
• Compare a requirement in multiple provinces

There are numerous ways to create customized reports.

Latest Updates

• Scroll down to Amendments
Use the filters to focus on: amendments that are in force or upcoming and/or specific jurisdictions 
Increase or decrease the selected date range [Note: The default shows you amendments from the prior 60 days]
Click the “Add Results to a Report” button to add all results, or click “Add to Report” to the left of each Amendment to add items one-by-one

Info Hub 

• Navigate to the Area of Law and Topic
• Use the filters to focus on: provisions, jurisdictions
Click the “Add Results to a Report” button to add all results, or click “Add to Report” to the left of each Provision to add items one-by-one


• Enter your keyword(s) in the Search box
Use the filters to focus on: Areas of Law, Topic, Jurisdiction, Bill/Reg and Industry
Click “Add to Report” to the left of each Provision to add items one-by-one

Note: To create a report on a Bill, enter “Bill [number of the Bill]” (e.g., “Bill 88”). To ensure that your Search is limited to Bill 88 amendments, select Bill 88 in the Bill/Reg filter to the left.

To access the reports you have created, go to My Info. These saved reports are always up-to-date, reflecting any amendments you see in Info Hub. 

If you have created multiple reports, use the dropdown to find the report of interest. You can rename reports and edit the content. To zero in on a specific provision, use the table of contents on the left-hand side. 

Yes, reports can be shared with other Compliance Works subscribers at your organization. By default, all reports are private. If you select “Shared” on the My Reports page, you can share an HR compliance summary (report) with your work colleagues.

To the right of each Provision, you will see a plus sign to Add a Note/Reminder. This feature enables you to add a personal note regarding any provision. You can also add a reminder that will send you an email regarding that note on a date you specify.

By default, a note is only visible to you, unless you choose to share it with other Compliance Works subscribers at your organization. If you share your note with another user, it will immediately appear in their Compliance Works account – just as it does for you, except that your name will appear at the top. 

If you set a reminder, both you and your colleague will receive an email reminding you of this note on the date you have selected.

To see all of your notes, go to My Info and click on My Notes.

There are several ways that you can share Compliance Works information with other users at your organization:

  • Notes & Reminders – select the name of the person with whom you would like to share your note/reminder and click save
  • Reports – go to My Info and share your report with specific users or everyone at you entire organization who has a Compliance Works account
  • Direct Link – use the Permalink button to the left of each provision to send a direct link to a provision

To change your email notifications go to your name > Preferences in the dropdown.

Under the heading Email Frequency, you can opt to receive a Daily or Weekly summary. Or to unsubscribe from all notifications, select Never.

If you would like to focus on specific Jurisdictions or Topics, edit your Watchlist. If you only want to receive notifications related to your saved reports, deselect all Areas of Law in your Watchlist.

If you are the owner of an account, you can change the account and billing information by clicking on your name > Account Settings in the dropdown.

To change your business name or address, click on Account Info. Note: there is no save button; your changes are saved automatically.
To manage your billing information or view your invoice history, click on Billing & Payments.

If you are the owner of an account, you can add/remove users by clicking on your name > Account Settings > User Accounts.

To add users, enter their name and email address and click Save. That individual will then receive a welcome email from Compliance Works. If you want to add another account owner, change their role to Owner before clicking Save.

To remove users, go to their user profile and click delete. Note: If the user is designated as an Owner, you will have to change their role to Regular User before you can delete their account. 

If you have a comment or question regarding a specific Provision, you can use the “Report an Issue” link. It is located to the left of each Provision. Or, contact us at

You’re all set! Our team will be in touch in the next 24 hours to schedule your personal demo. In the meantime, you can learn more about our software or explore our HR compliance resources.